Assistance With Some Medical Terms

Sometimes it seems like medical terms are Greek.  That is an accurate observation because the terms usually have  a Greek or  Latin composition .  Terms usually have a root word that is the focus or basis of the term.  For example, hem or hemo may be used to designate red blood cells. A suffix such as lysis (which is defined as destruction) may be added to form the word hemolysis , which refers to the destruction of red blood cells. Thus, most medical terms are made up of a prefix or a suffix, such as lysis  and a root word such as hem. The “o” in hemolysis is  often referred to as a combining vowel.  These are useful for pronunciation of the terms.

Here are some of the most common laboratory terms and their definitions and roots:

Hematology hem ology a(t)
Study of blood Blood study
Hyperkalemia emia hyper ka
status of blood Potassium excessive
Hypoglycemia emia hypo gly
status of blood Sugar deficient level

Kathy Valusek, DNP,MPH

Certified Nurse Practitioner

Clinical Manager IHLC