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In-Home Lab

OUR PLEDGE: Provide dignified, compassionate and respectful services to clients while
ensuring their privacy. Facilitate a partnership with other home care agencies, clinics,
hospitals and laboratories to enhance client continuity of care. Promote client
independence and autonomy to the extent feasible and to the level the client desires.

A person is getting their nails done by someone else.

About Us

  • IHLC is owned and operated by Kathy Valusek (DNP, MSN, MPH, RN), a nurse practitioner certified in geriatrics and who has more than 30 years of experience with direct patient care.
  • IHLC was created when the founders saw a huge need for laboratory specimen collection for patients who “fall through the cracks” by not qualifying for homecare (e.g. they are not “homebound”) but who need a lab draw for their care team to make clinical decisions and for whom the patient or caregiver have difficulty with transportation and scheduling for specimen collection.
  • Since 2002 IHLC has provided laboratory technicians (i.e. phlebotomists) to collect and transport specimens to laboratories of choice. These skilled and very experienced phlebotomists almost always draw blood on the first attempt and are sensitive to the needs of the client in their home.
  • IHLC is the only company in the Twin Cities providing in-home blood draws that is Medicare Certified and has a Minnesota Department of Health Comprehensive Homecare license.
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Frequently Ask

(Click Question For Answer)

How do I get started ?

Have your clinic fax to 952-842-9001

  • Signed orders with ICD-10 codes
  • When they need the results
  • Your “face sheet” (ie demographics) with insurance
  • Where to Fax results

How much does it cost ?

All insurances cover the lab costs to process your specimens. The IHLC cost is to get the specimen to the lab. Some insurances cover the IHLC service. If not, Private Pay is $75 per encounter (no matter how many tubes are required).

What happens once IHLC gets orders?

IHLC will schedule the date. The phlebotomist will contact you the night before to arrange the time.

How does my provider get results ?

IHLC faxes results to the ordering provider (andothers if directed to insure the caregiving team “is on the same page”)